DefRep Analysis: Aircraft R&D – A procurement history lesson
30 January 2015 – Kingston, CA By Chris Murray My first class at RMC we studied the aircraft development programs of various countries between the first and second world war.…
Original Defence News & Analysis
30 January 2015 – Kingston, CA By Chris Murray My first class at RMC we studied the aircraft development programs of various countries between the first and second world war.…
22 January 2015 by Chris Murray Recently NATO nations have faced a host of concerns internationally and domestically that have been not only varied but also at times conflicted. So…
19 January 2015 – Kingston, CA by Chris Murray On 24 November 2014 a new Abkhaz-Russian treaty was signed with little mainstream media attention in the West. The ‘Alliance and…
6 January 2015 – Savonlinna, Finland by Timo Mustonen In the midst of SONY hacks and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks to the console gaming of Microsoft and Playstation it is…
London, UK Australia’s Defence Trade Control Act (DCTA) has been described as an overtly strict and complicated defence policy that sails far too close to turning Australia’s research and development…