Meanwhile in the Caucasus: Russian Troubles Continue
4 April 2016, Kingston, CA by Chris Murray General Philip Breedlove, commander of U.S. European Command, was in Georgia 22-23 March. While in Tbilisi Breedlove pushed hard on Georgia’s future…
Original Defence News & Analysis
4 April 2016, Kingston, CA by Chris Murray General Philip Breedlove, commander of U.S. European Command, was in Georgia 22-23 March. While in Tbilisi Breedlove pushed hard on Georgia’s future…
Review by Chris Murray 2 December 2015, Kingston, CA Inferno in Chechnya: The Russian-Chechen Wars, the Al Qaeda Myth, and the Boston Marathon Bombings By Brian Glyn Williams; ForeEdge –…
17 November 2015 – York, UK by David Heaton, DefRep Guest Writer Paris was attacked in one of the most devastating terror attacks Western Europe has seen, and indeed the…
22 October 2015 – Vancouver, CA United Kingdom British industry is now warning that the country’s national security will be at risk if there are any delays to replacing the…
Review by Chris Murray Kingston, CA Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands By Richard Sakwa; I.B. Tauris, 2015. GBP 18.99 ISBN-10: 1784530646 ISBN-13: 978 1 78453 064 8 The ‘Ukrainian…
26 Jul 2015, Kingston, CA by Chris Murray Since the startling events in Crimea early in 2014 Russia has been front and centre in Western discourse. A tremendous effort has…
13 July 2015 – Trento, Italy by Scott Nicholas Romaniuk “Containment” has once again become part of the geopolitical parlance of today. The striking use of this term is increasingly…
8 July 2015 – Kingston, CA by Chris Murray Leadership and Messaging Some have argued that Prim Minister Harper’s visit to Ukraine was an empty gesture. This is likely a…
7 July 2015 – Kingston, CA by Chris Murray Lackluster Response The Canadian Prime Minister is, generally speaking, a rather silly character on the international stage and his position on…
6 July 2015 – Kingston, CA by Chris Murray Ukraine, What’s Really Going On A few weeks back Canada’s Prime Minister, Stephan Harper, paid a visit to Ukraine. The visit…