The Russians are Coming: Moscow’s Caucasus Expansion
24 November 2015, Kingston, CA by Chris Murray In the wake of the Paris attacks there has been tremendous scrutiny directed towards how these events will alter the course of…
Original Defence News & Analysis
24 November 2015, Kingston, CA by Chris Murray In the wake of the Paris attacks there has been tremendous scrutiny directed towards how these events will alter the course of…
Review by Chris Murray Kingston, CA Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands By Richard Sakwa; I.B. Tauris, 2015. GBP 18.99 ISBN-10: 1784530646 ISBN-13: 978 1 78453 064 8 The ‘Ukrainian…
Review by Chris Murray Kingston, CA PostCapitalism: A Guide to Our Future By Paul Mason; Allen Lane Publishers, 2015. GBP 16.99 ISBN-10: 1846147387 ISBN-13: 978-1846147388 What comes after Capitalism? This…
Review by Chris Murray Kingston, CA Mission Accomplished? The Crisis of International Intervention By Simon Jenkins; I.B. Tauris Publishers, 2015. GBP 9.99 ISBN-10: 1784531324 ISBN-13: 978-1784531324 The collapse of the…
21 August 2015, Kingston, CA by Chris Murray The Kalashnikov, the most ubiquitous item on any modern battlefield. A product of Soviet obsession with the KISS rule, it is beyond…
In recent months there has been a multitude of articles dealing with the many issues surrounding the F-35. The pile on has come from the exorbitant cost, severe shortcomings, and…
26 Jul 2015, Kingston, CA by Chris Murray Since the startling events in Crimea early in 2014 Russia has been front and centre in Western discourse. A tremendous effort has…
12 July 2015 – Kingston, CA by Chris Murray This past week the New York Times reported that there are now Chechen Fighters in Ukraine working to support the Ukrainian…
8 July 2015 – Kingston, CA by Chris Murray Leadership and Messaging Some have argued that Prim Minister Harper’s visit to Ukraine was an empty gesture. This is likely a…
7 July 2015 – Kingston, CA by Chris Murray Lackluster Response The Canadian Prime Minister is, generally speaking, a rather silly character on the international stage and his position on…