Weekly Recap: Why aren’t we talking about Ukraine – Part Two
7 July 2015 – Kingston, CA by Chris Murray Lackluster Response The Canadian Prime Minister is, generally speaking, a rather silly character on the international stage and his position on…
Original Defence News & Analysis
7 July 2015 – Kingston, CA by Chris Murray Lackluster Response The Canadian Prime Minister is, generally speaking, a rather silly character on the international stage and his position on…
6 July 2015 – Kingston, CA by Chris Murray Ukraine, What’s Really Going On A few weeks back Canada’s Prime Minister, Stephan Harper, paid a visit to Ukraine. The visit…
10 June 2015 – Kingston, CA by Chris Murray and Stewart Webb Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) suffered a major set back in Turkey’s most…
30 January 2015 – Kingston, CA By Chris Murray My first class at RMC we studied the aircraft development programs of various countries between the first and second world war.…
22 January 2015 by Chris Murray Recently NATO nations have faced a host of concerns internationally and domestically that have been not only varied but also at times conflicted. So…
19 January 2015 – Kingston, CA by Chris Murray On 24 November 2014 a new Abkhaz-Russian treaty was signed with little mainstream media attention in the West. The ‘Alliance and…
15 December 2014 – Kingston, CA by Chris Murray On 17 November of this year NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg appointed Turkish Ambassador Ismail Aramaz as the next NATO Senior Civilian…
7 December 2014 – Kingston, CA by Chris Murray Grozny Attacked Over the past several days news has slowly begun to emerge from Chechnya of significant action between armed militants…
Kingston, CA The Caucasus Emirate Mujahedin: Global Jihadism in Russia’s North Caucasus and Beyond By Gordon M. Hahn; McFarland Publishing, 2014. USD 45.00 pISBN: 978-0-7864-7952-8 eISBN: 978-1-4766-1495-3 In October 2007,…
15 November 2014 – Kingston, CA by Chris Murray This past week has seen an increase in activity along Ukraine’s eastern border which has NATO again raising concerns of Russian…